The future of occupational health:
automated, personalised and impartial
Tailor-made, instant and accurate wellbeing advice with Genius, our revolutionary intelligent online Case Management System

Pre-placement health assessment
For new starters, or workers moving to a new job role, Genius assesses fitness individually and helps identify any required adjustments to enable them to carry out their role effectively.
This report is ideal for all new starters and those moving to a new role, particularity important for those in high-risk work which includes:
- driving heavy goods vehicles;
- moving or handling heavy, hazardous or explosive materials;
- operating large, heavy vehicles;
- working in a particularly demanding environment, e.g. repetitive movements or static postures;
- working at night or shifts.

Return to work assessment
Workplace adjustments or modifications help an employee return to work more quickly and safely. Adjustments can remove barriers that prevent employees from returning to work.
This report will support with:
- recording agreed workplace modifications or adjustments as a ‘Genius Employee-held Health Record’;
- avoiding misunderstandings and delays in return to work
- making sure return to work plans are realistic and understood;
- reducing the risks when employees return to the workplace after illness or injury.

Workplace adjustment assessment
Workplace adjustments or modifications help make the workplace safer and more comfortable for an employee. Adjustments can remove barriers that stop employees from performing at their best.
This report will support with:
- recording agreed workplace modifications or adjustments as a ‘Genius Employee-held Health Record’;
- avoiding duplication of work and making sure adjustments are maintained;
- reducing the risks when employees move jobs or change line managers.

Statutory health surveillance
‘Health Surveillance’ is required for workplace exposures that cause disease AND can be detected early. Employers need ‘risk assessments’ and controls in place for exposures to noise, vibration and substances hazardous to health.
This report will provide recommendations to:
- manage symptoms caused by work;
- protect workers exposed to health risk where controls are already in place;
- provide feedback about actions that employers need to take to protect workers and prevent further harm;
- record and monitor agreed workplace controls, modifications or adjustments as a ‘Genius Employee-held Health Record’.

Health monitoring assessment
Identify early symptoms that may indicate work-related health issues employees may have and enable employers to monitor health trends. It helps employers to check the effectiveness of controls when they introduce a new task or change an existing process.
This report enables:
- employers to plan how to monitor and how often;
- encourage employees to report symptoms as soon as possible;
- recommendation to be sent directly to the advisor and the person who will take action (decision maker);
- encourage employees to think about solutions to the problems that report.

Incident/Symptom reporting
Genius enables employers to manage incidents and look for symptom trends to monitor the effectiveness of existing Health and Safety controls.
This reporting service is for:
- any employee who reports new or worsening symptoms e.g. back pain;
- documenting the reported symptoms;
- signposting the individual to relevant health services;
- identifying arrangements and adjustments for the employer to consider.

Pregnant worker health risk assessment
Genius assesses health risks for pregnant workers, new and breastfeeding mothers based on the employers selected risk profile.
This report enable employers to:
- make any necessary changes to keep them safe;
- document support provided;
- comply with best practice.

Workplace rehabilitation assessment
Genius assesses health needs associated with ongoing symptoms and conditions, including sickness absence.
This report provides information to:
- incorporate recovery and/or rehabilitation activities into the working day;
- prevent or shorten sickness absence where medical recovery and rehabilitation goals can be incorporated into and supported by work activities;
- support with maintaining a healthy work-life balance which is crucial for retaining a productive workforce;
- effectively address issues during the workday which significantly influences a positive perception of the job.

Leaver health status assessment
Promote the health and wellbeing of leavers with supported self-management information advice, whether they are moving on to the next life stage or recovering from debilitating ill-health.
Use this service to document:
- Leaver Health Status;
- Health Surveillance update;
- Health Monitoring update;
- Retirement Health Recommendations.

IPC health protection and health education
Genius supports OH Professionals by automating consent in line with GDPR and documenting health protection and health education advice.
Use this service to document:
- Vaccination and Immunisation status;
- Informed consent e.g. to Occupational Immunisation in line with the Risk Assessment(s);
- Health Protection information, e.g. new starters exposed to communicable diseases;
- Health Education for employees working with Vulnerable Service-users.